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How to Register Copyright in Bangladesh: Complete Process Explained


In the digital age, protecting intellectual property has become more crucial. For creators, artists, and innovators in Bangladesh, understanding the copyright registration process is essential to safeguard their work. This comprehensive guide will walk you through Bangladesh's copyright registration process and procedure, ensuring you have all the information you need to protect your creative endeavors.

Understanding Copyright in Bangladesh

Copyright in Bangladesh is governed by the Copyright Act, 2000 (amended in 2005). This law protects original literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, cinematograph films and sound recordings. It's important to note that copyright protection in Bangladesh is automatic upon creating the work. However, registering your copyright offers additional benefits and stronger legal protection.

Eligibility for Copyright Registration

To be eligible for copyright registration in Bangladesh, your work must meet the following criteria:

  • Originality: The work must be original and not copied from another source.
  • Tangible form: The work must be expressed in a tangible form, such as written, recorded, or filmed.
  • Authorship: You must be the author or have the rights to the work.
  • Nationality: While not strictly required, being a Bangladeshi citizen or having the work first published in Bangladesh can simplify the process.

Types of Works Eligible for Copyright

The Copyright Act in Bangladesh covers a wide range of creative works, including:

  • Literary works (books, articles, manuscripts)
  • Musical compositions
  • Dramatic works
  • Artistic works (paintings, sculptures, photographs)
  • Cinematograph films
  • Sound recordings
  • Computer software and programs
  • Architectural designs

The Copyright Registration Process in Bangladesh

The copyright registration process and procedure in Bangladesh involves several steps. Let's break them down:

Step 1: Preparation of Documents

Before initiating the registration process, gather the following documents:

  • Completed copyright registration application form
  • Two copies of the work to be registered
  • Proof of identity (national ID card, passport, or birth certificate)
  • Power of attorney (if applying through an agent)
  • Deed of assignment (if the applicant is not the original author)

Step 2: Submission of Application

Submit your application and supporting documents to the Copyright Office, which is under the Ministry of Cultural Affairs. The office is located at:

Copyright Office
National Library Bhaban (3rd Floor)
32, Justice S.M. Murshed Sarani
Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar
Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh

You can submit your application in person or by mail. Ensure all documents are properly filled out and signed to avoid delays.

Step 3: Examination and Verification

Once your application is received, the Copyright Office will examine and verify the submitted materials. This process includes:

  • Checking the completeness of the application
  • Verifying the originality of the work
  • Ensuring compliance with copyright laws

The office may contact you for clarification or additional information if any issues or discrepancies are found.

Step 4: Issuance of Certificate

Upon successful verification, the Copyright Office will issue a certificate of registration. This document serves as prima facie evidence of copyright ownership and can be invaluable in legal disputes.

Fees and Timeline

The fees for copyright registration in Bangladesh are relatively modest:

  • Literary, dramatic, musical, or artistic works: BDT 500
  • Cinematograph films: BDT 2000
  • Sound recordings: BDT 1000

The timeline for processing can vary but typically takes 2-3 months. Complex cases or applications requiring additional information may take longer.

Benefits of Copyright Registration

While copyright protection is automatic, registering your work offers several advantages:

  1. Legal evidence: The registration certificate serves as proof of ownership in court.
  2. Public record: Registration creates a public record of your copyright claim.
  3. Statutory damages: In case of infringement, registered works may be eligible for statutory damages and attorney's fees.
  4. Deterrence: Registration can deter potential infringers.
  5. Licensing opportunities: A registered copyright can be more easily licensed or sold.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

During the copyright registration process and procedure in Bangladesh, you may encounter some challenges:

  • Bureaucratic delays: Be patient and follow up regularly with the Copyright Office.
  • Documentation issues: Double-check all documents before submission to ensure completeness.
  • Proving originality: Keep detailed records of your creative process to demonstrate originality if questioned.
  • Language barriers: Consider seeking assistance from a legal professional if you're not fluent in Bengali.
  • Understanding legal terms: Familiarize yourself with copyright law or consult an intellectual property lawyer for guidance.


Bangladesh's copyright registration process and procedure may seem daunting initially, but it's a crucial step in protecting your intellectual property. By following this guide and being thorough in your application, you can secure your creative works and enjoy the benefits of copyright protection. Remember, while registration isn't mandatory, it provides stronger legal standing and can be invaluable in disputes.

If you're still unsure about any aspect of the process, don't hesitate to contact the Copyright Office or consult with a legal professional specializing in intellectual property rights. Protecting your creative works is an investment in your future as a creator in Bangladesh's vibrant artistic and innovative landscape.

Official website of the Copyright Office, Bangladesh

Take the first step in safeguarding your creative works today. Your ideas deserve protection, and copyright registration is the key to ensuring your intellectual property remains yours.

This article was written by J.A. Chaudhury Reagan, Advocate, Supreme Court of Bangladesh. All rights reserved.